Friday, March 22, 2013

Forty-Nine (Now Where Was I?)

Hey, is this thing still here?

I'm returning to THEOPHILUS PUNK. There are things going on in my life as a scholar & churchman that I think are fit for this project.

I'm working on a series of posts: "The Airing of Grievances," title stolen from the ancient Festivus rituals. ("I gotta lot of problems with you people!")

I could just as well have titled it, "Stuff about myself that pisses me off," because it's mostly theological ruminations on being an uncomfortable-in-my-own-skin conservative Christian.

But that's still to come. Plenty of navel-gazing to do.

I turned 49 today. I celebrated by working until 5, eating half a chicken bowl (diabetic-style, no rice, extra pico, save the remainder for tomorrow) at Chipotle, etc.

Now I'm sitting in the Starbux @ Marsh & Frankford, drinking something decaf & listening to Miles Davis. It's misting outside; the drizzle matches my mood, I guess.

(Miles Davis's mournful trumpet was made for misty evenings. He was a miserable, cruel, selfish man who made transcendent music.)

Why no family celebration? because they're a thousand miles away, back in Kentucky.

I miss my wife. I miss my kids. I miss my family. 60 days until we're reunited. Only to turn around and be separated again, this time "permanently," when Beth & Josh & I move to Dallas and leave the girls in Kentucky.

My realization for today is that all reunions are temporary. (There's further back-story on that statement.)

All reunions are temporary. For NOW, at least.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Marsh Ln,Dallas,United States


Blogger J.L. Neyhart said...

I'm glad to see you posting again.

10:11 AM  
Blogger theophiluspunk said...

Thanks! I've been posting a lot, actually; I was just doing it 140 characters at a time.

8:28 PM  

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