Saturday, June 21, 2008

Where I've Been

Since January, I've been working on a commentary in the Smyth & Helwys Reading the New Testament commentary series. The editor of the series, Dr. Charles H. Talbert, is my mentor. He was my doctoral adviser at Baylor University.

The commentary is Reading Paul's Letters to Individuals, and it covers the New Testament letters of Philemon, Titus, and 1 & 2 Timothy. The series is pitched at ministers and undergraduates, anyone who needs a reliable historical, literary, and theological explanation of the text.

Also, I've led the search to hire two new professors (I'm the Dean of the School of Bible and Ministry at Kentucky Christian University.) I'm happy to say that we've hired two excellent scholar / teachers, Dr. Brian Baldwin (youth and family ministries) and Dr. Ralph Hawkins (Bible and archaeology.)

My deadline for the book manuscript is 1 July. I've got about 125 pages to go. So what am I doing here?

(What the heck AM I doing here?)


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